🏴‍☠️ Twitter Seas: Pirate Paradise?

Plus: 💼 Major Companies ditch ChatGPT, 💫 Meta's Twitter Clone

From Shrek to Top Gun - Pirated Movies Flood Twitter's Extended Video Feature

On Thursday, May 18, Elon Musk announced that Twitter Blue subscribers can now upload videos up to two hours long and eight gigabytes in size. Meanwhile, free users are stuck with a mere 140 seconds.

But there’s a catch. This new feature could be a problem for Twitter because it makes it easier for people to distribute pirated movies. In fact, one user, @coinbilly_, replied to Musk’s tweet with “fuck it. shrek the third,” and uploaded the entire 93-minute film. Twitter swiftly took it down but let the user back online after a warning.

Before this update, Twitter Blue users could only upload one-hour videos, which already attracted pirates who split their loot into smaller chunks. Recent findings revealed that 9.3 million people watched a pirated version of The Super Mario Bros. Movie on Twitter before it got axed. Top Gun: Maverick and Avatar: The Way of Water also made appearances.

However, Twitter's ability to combat piracy has taken a hit since Musk slashed the legal and moderation staff. And let's not forget, Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act won't shield them from copyright infringement claims. It's a risky voyage for copyright holders on the Twitter seas!

Rapid Rundown

  • 📹 Twitter Blue subscribers can now upload videos up to 2 hours long.

  • 🏴‍☠️ This new feature could be a problem for Twitter because it makes it easier for people to distribute pirated movies.

Security Concerns Lead Apple, Bank of America Samsung, and Others to Drop ChatGPT

Major companies like Apple, Bank of America, and Samsung have given ChatGPT the boot! For many employers, the security risks of using ChatGPT outweigh the productivity benefit.

For example, Samsung reported that employees accidentally leaked confidential information while using the chatbot. And Apple also banned ChatGPT due to concerns over data leaks. Italy even temporarily banned the service for not complying with Europe’s GDPR privacy law.

On the other hand, companies like Coca-Cola and Bain & Company, have actually made friends with OpenAI and are using ChatGPT to save their employees from soul-sucking tasks like drafting emails or reviewing code. Others are developing their own A.I. tools for employee usage.

So, it's a mixed bag of banquets and blessings. Some companies are shouting "No way, Jose!" to ChatGPT, while others are cautiously dipping their toes into the AI waters. It's a wild ride, reminding us that even in the realm of artificial intelligence, privacy, and security still rule the roost.

Rapid Rundown

  • 🚫 Major companies like Apple, Bank of America, and Samsung have banned ChatGPT due to security risks and data leaks.

  • ✅ Companies like Coca-Cola and Bain & Company embrace ChatGPT for automating tasks, while others develop their own AI tools cautiously.

Copying, Not Buying: How Facebook's Parent Company Embraces Imitation Over Acquisition

Elon Musk's Twitter takeover in October 2022 stirred up a frenzy, pushing users to seek alternative apps. Mastodon, Post, Hive Social, Bluesky, and T2 gained popularity, while Substack's Notes added fuel to the fire.

Now, Meta, Facebook's parent company, plans to launch its own Twitter clone. Set to debut by June's end, it'll leverage Instagram's infrastructure and target creators. Meta's history of buying and copying rivals led them to this point.

Their clone, built on the ActivityPub protocol like Mastodon, allows users to interact across different servers. The monetary plan remains a mystery, but stealing Twitter users is an enticing prospect. As people hunt for fresh tweeting grounds, Meta's clone could shake things up. After all, if you can’t beat 'em, join 'em… or in this case, copy 'em.

Rapid Rundown

  • 📱 Meta plans to launch its own Twitter clone by June’s end leveraging Instagram’s infrastructure.

  • 💰 The clone is built on the ActivityPub protocol and aims to steal Twitter users.

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Articles & Resources

How Do You Overcome "Stage Fright" as a First-Time CEO? — Conquer stage fright as a CEO by embracing repetition, impactful presentations, and genuine enthusiasm.

The Starbucks Test — Validate and refine your business idea by conducting the "Starbucks Test" to gain valuable insights.

New Neuroscience Reveals 6 Secrets That Will Increase Your Attention Span — Based on ideas in a book released earlier this year that discusses our constantly declining attention spans.

90% of My Skills Are Now Worth $0 — But the other 10% are worth 1000x.