✨ 'Revolutionary' New Photo Editing Tool

Plus: 💰 Teenage Gold Rush! 🔐 Password Reselling Industry Crushed

Adobe Teases 'Revolutionary' New AI Photo Editing Tool

Just like ChatGPT made it easier to generate blogs and other texts without any prior copywriting skills, Adobe is set to release a new AI-powered tool that will help users edit pictures without any prior editing skills.

Yes, even if you don’t know your JPEGs from your PNGs.

According to a sneak peek from Adobe, Project Stardust will have an “object-aware editing system” which will help users move and edit objects with ease.

Don’t like that photobomber in the background? Poof! They’re gone. Want to replace the phone in someone’s hand with a bouquet of flowers? Consider it done. You can even change the color or type of clothing a person is wearing in a picture.

This game-changing feature is set to be released across Adobe products like Firefly and Creative Cloud.

You can watch the full teaser video below:

📚 Teens Cash in on TikTok Shop Gold Rush Between Classes

TikTok Shop is making waves, especially among teenagers in the U.S. despite TikTok’s policy against minors participating.

These underage entrepreneurs are creating TikTok Shop videos that rack up millions of views.

They’re advertising everything from health supplements to gadgets, turning their TikTok accounts into virtual storefronts. Some are even making videos during class!

There are concerns about the accuracy of the content and the safety of underage users. TikTok is working on enhancing safeguards, but it seems like these young users are always one step ahead.

🔐 Netflix has Crushed Latin America’s Password Reselling Industry

Netflix’s new pricing policy, which charges users for sharing accounts outside their homes, caused quite a stir when it was introduced in Latin America in March 2022.

Despite initial protests and a wave of subscription cancellations, it seems the policy is having its intended effect.

Not only has Netflix seen a resurgence in subscriptions, but the policy has also put a damper on the resale of account access, a popular form of Netflix piracy in the region.

The volume of account credentials being sold on marketplaces like MercadoLibre, Facebook Marketplace, and AliExpress has decreased by 51% since October 2022.

However, some resellers have found ways to continue their operations. These operations often involve selling access to single users and using stolen credit cards to purchase accounts, which rarely trigger Netflix’s out-of-home sharing restrictions.

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