🧑‍🏫 Revamping Classrooms

Plus: ✅ Verified, But at what Cost, 👁 Cloak of Invisibility

Why Humans and Robots Make a Perfect Match in the Classroom

Who says robots can't help out in the classroom? AI and education are two peas in a pod and finally, they're coming together to make learning a whole lot easier. In a recent study, researchers have found five ways that AI can revolutionize teaching, making it more accessible and efficient.

Firstly, AI-generated examples can make even the most complex concepts easy to understand. Just ask Bing or ChatGPT for help! Secondly, teachers can use AI-created explanations to break down ideas and tailor them to their students' needs. No more struggling to come up with multiple explanations for one topic.

Thirdly, adaptive feedback using AI can help students stay on track and improve their understanding. It's like having a personalized tutor with you every step of the way. Fourthly, AI can create personalized learning paths that cater to each student's strengths and weaknesses. No more one-size-fits-all approach to teaching!

Lastly, intelligent tutoring systems use AI to analyze each student's progress and adapt the learning experience to suit their needs. Teachers can focus on the complex task of teaching while AI takes care of the rest. In conclusion, AI and teachers make a dynamic duo. It's not about replacing teachers, it's about helping teachers do their jobs more efficiently and effectively, leaving them more time to focus on the complex role of teaching in front of a class.

Buy Your Way to Online Popularity: Facebook and Instagram Offer Paid Verification

Facebook and Instagram are now offering paid verification for those who want to flaunt their online status. In exchange for a few dollars a month, users can receive the coveted blue verification badge, protection from impersonators, and direct access to customer support. It's like having a backstage pass to the virtual world. But beware, the subscription won't get you increased visibility or reach, so your posts might still fall on deaf ears.

If you're willing to cough up the dough and meet a few requirements, such as being 18 years or older, submitting a photo of your ID, and enabling two-factor authentication, you can join the waitlist for Meta Verified. But once you're verified, you can't change your username or profile name without going through the verification process again.

This move follows in the footsteps of Twitter's Blue verification system, which was relaunched under the direction of new owner Elon Musk. But despite Musk's promises to remove "legacy" verification badges, they're still lurking around. So if you're looking for a way to feel special online, go ahead and pay for your badge of honour. Just don't expect it to come with a red-carpet rollout.

Glaze App's High-Tech 'Cloak of Invisibility' Protects Artistic Style from Prying AI Eyes

Attention artists! Sick of your artistic style being copied by generative AI models without your permission? Fear not, Glaze has launched a free app to combat this theft of your 'artistic IP.' The app applies a high-tech "cloaking" technique by adding almost imperceptible “perturbations” to each artwork.

These changes interfere with AI models’ ability to read data on artistic style, making it harder for generative AI technology to mimic the style of the artwork and its artist. The tool works by distorting what the AI model sees of the art images, achieving significant distortion in the machine learning perspective, with minimal distortion in the visual perspective that we have as humans. In other words, it's an attack, but we're using it as a defence.

The app is perfect for artists who want to showcase their work online without having to worry about data miners stealing their creative expression. Plus, it's free! Finally, artists have a way to fight back against the commercial actors behind generative AI models, who have been threatening artists' livelihoods by automating the mimicry of artistic style. With Glaze's app, artists can continue producing art to make a living, without the fear of their style being copied by machines.

On another note, artists can now opt out of the next version of Stable Diffusion. So if you're not a fan of AI stealing your style, you have options. Don't let the machines win!