⚫ NYC's Rental Black Market

Plus: 🎮 Unity CEO Out! 🧬 Your DNA: 23andMe Hacked

⚫ New York's Black Market for Short-Term Rentals

There’s now a black market for short-term rentals in New York City.

New York City’s recent enforcement of strict laws on short-term rentals has resulted in only 2% of the city’s short-term rentals registering with the city, leading to an 80% drop in Airbnb listings.

But New Yorkers are resourceful.

Many property owners have taken their listings underground, shifting to social media and other platforms like Facebook and Craigslist.

Some hosts are even slipping through the cracks of Airbnb by listing themselves as exempt from registration.

In response to these changes, Airbnb is diversifying its focus away from New York, once its largest market, into longer rentals, car rentals, and dining pop-ups.

🎮 John Riccitiello Steps Down as Unity CEO Following 'Runtime Fee' Backlash

Guess who’s leaving Unity? That’s right, it’s John Riccitiello, the CEO who tried to make developers pay more for using the engine.

He announced his resignation, after a huge backlash from the community. The developers were not happy with his plan to charge a “runtime fee” for every game made with Unity.

Unity tried to apologize and cancel the fee, but it was too late.

The damage was done.

Some developers had already switched to other engines and many demanded Riccitiello’s head on a platter.

Now, Unity is on the hunt for a new CEO.

🧬 Hacker Advertises Millions of Stolen 23andMe Customer Data

A hacker is advertising millions of "pieces of data" stolen from the family genetics website 23andMe.

The company confirmed that some “customer profile information” was accessed through individual accounts, but stated that their systems were not breached.

They suspect the hacker used a technique called credential stuffing, where stolen passwords from other sites are used to access 23andMe accounts.

This incident highlights the importance of unique passwords for different sites and the use of two-factor authentication. The extent of the breach and the exact nature of the stolen data remain unclear.

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