✍️ From Taxman to Taxbot

Plus: 🎨 Midjourney v5, 🌳 Solarpunk

Goodbye Taxman, Hello Taxbot: Your Future Tax Audits Will Be Judged by Robots!

Governments worldwide are embracing the power of artificial intelligence (AI) to improve efficiency and weed out tax evaders. In the US and India, the Taxbot can now collect retail data, payment history, browsing data, tax payment history, and social media information to catch those who try to cheat the system.

The Taxbot is so powerful that it can recognize patterns in heaps of data in minutes, making traditional manual investigations look like a snail's pace. And who knows, it might even become so good that it can predict where the next fraud will pop up!

Meanwhile, the Canadian government has been exploring AI's ability to support administrative decisions since 2017. They've already listed 117 companies that offer "responsible and effective" AI services, solutions, and products.

So, watch out, folks! The Taxbot is here, and it's judging your every move. But don't worry, you can still try to hide under mountains of digital data if you're feeling lucky. Who knows, maybe the Taxbot will still have a soft spot for humans and let a few slide.

Midjourney v5: The AI tool that finally grew hands - and they're clapping!

Get ready to give a round of applause because Midjourney v5 can finally do hands! Yes, you heard that right. The long-awaited feature has been added to the AI tool, and Twitter is buzzing with excitement.

But that's not all - Midjourney v5 also promises even more amazing visuals than before. Don't believe it? Check out the impressive AI-generated images on Twitter, and prepare to be blown away. From photo-realistic pictures to images by category, Midjourney v5 has got it covered.

And with all the AI breakthroughs happening, it's no wonder that Midjourney v5 is the most exciting thing in the AI space. So go ahead and give Midjourney v5 a try, and who knows, you might just discover some new and amazing possibilities!

Solarpunk: The Sci-Fi Genre That Gives Us Hope for a Better Future (And We All Need It!)

The Solarpunk movement is a genre of science fiction that envisions a more optimistic, sustainable, and regenerative future. Unlike Cyberpunk and Steampunk, Solarpunk focuses on creating a collectively imagined world that centres around ecologically responsible and self-governing ideals.

It is not a luxury for a select few, green consumerism, or seeing the world through rose-coloured glasses. The movement is rooted in the Internet, where artists and writers create visual and literary representations of their hopeful visions for the future.

Belgian artist and architect, Luc Shuiten, is one of the primary sources of inspiration for Solarpunk. His depictions of regenerative and biomimicry cityscapes, called "vegetal cities," have largely influenced many in the movement. Solarpunk may not solve all our problems, but it encourages us to collectively imagine what kind of a world we want to live in, which is not a bad place to start.