📦 Fake Amazon Returns Bring Millions

Plus: 🎰 Tim Cook Is Making A Risky Bet, 🦾 Klarna’s Hiring AI, Not People,

Amazon’s suing a group of scammers called REKK over allegedly logging fake returns in their systems so buyers could keep products like MacBook Airs and iPads for free. Read more here.

An op-ed titled “Tim Cook is Risking His Legacy on a Pricey Product in an Unproven Market” turned some heads today. CNN reporter Samantha Murphy Kelly argued Apple’s new Vision Pro headset, Cook’s first new major hardware product in 7 years, is facing a crazy uphill battle. Read it here.

Klarna’s CEO is betting so big on AI that he’s instituted a hiring freeze. They’re not laying people off, they’re just outsourcing new jobs to AI. Will it work? Read more here.

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