🚧 Can Reddit Recover from This?

Plus: 💸 Will you pay $360,000 for AI? 🤑 Make money on YouTube

🚧 Redditors are Shutting Down the Internet

Reddit is in trouble. A lot of trouble. Why?

Many of its users and moderators are mad at its new API pricing, which will make many third-party apps go bye-bye. Apps like Apollo have to shut down or pay over $20 million a year with this new pricing.

So the moderators of Reddit decided to go dark for two days. That means no posting, no commenting, no browsing, no nothing. Just a big fat nothing. And they want you to join them.

They want you to leave bad reviews for the official Reddit app, and go somewhere else for your internet fix. Maybe Twitter, maybe Facebook, maybe TikTok, maybe… I don’t know, read a book or something.

The point is, they want Reddit to feel the pain of losing their loyal users and communities. And they are not messing around. Some of the biggest subreddits are in on this, like r/funny, r/aww, r/gaming, r/Music, r/Pics, r/science, and r/todayilearned.

Rapid Rundown

  • 🤬 Reddit’s new API pricing angers users and moderators.

  • đźš« Many subreddits go dark for two days to protest and boycott.

💸 Salesforce’s AI Cloud: A $360,000 Tool for Creating Personalized Content

Do you want to write better emails, ads, and messages for your customers? Do you want to save time and money on hiring writers? Do you have $360,000 to spare every year? If you answered yes to all these questions, then you might be interested in Salesforce’s new AI software.

It’s called AI Cloud and it can create personalized content for your customers using smart machines from OpenAI, Cohere, Anthropic, and Salesforce. It will be ready soon, but it won’t be cheap. You’ll have to pay more if you use it a lot. But hey, maybe it’s worth it.

Rapid Rundown

  • 🚀 Salesforce's AI Cloud to generate personalized content for customers.

  • đź’° It's not cheap—expect to pay $360,000 per year and additional fees for heavy usage.

🤑 YouTube Makes Monetization More Accessible

Do you want to make some money on YouTube? Well, you’re in luck, because YouTube just made it easier for you to join its Partner Program.

The YouTube Partner Program, or YPP for short, is a program that lets you earn money from ads, subscriptions, and more on your YouTube channel.

Now, you only need 500 subscribers and either 3,000 watch hours or 3 million Shorts views in the last year to join the program.

YouTube is also expanding its Shopping affiliate program to more creators in the U.S. If you have more than 20,000 subscribers and are part of YPP, you can tag products in your videos and Shorts and earn a commission when someone buys them.

Just remember to follow the rules and make good content. YouTube is always watching and can kick you out of YPP if you break its policies and guidelines.

Rapid Rundown

  • 🤑 YouTube lowers the bar for monetization.

  • 🛍️ YouTube offers more affiliate opportunities for creators.

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